UOG Calendar 2023 - Upload Instructions
Please use the following instructions to upload your photos to the
UOG 2023 calendar competition.
Good luck! Gura math a thèid leibh!

Submission Instructions Photographs are to be submitted via WeTransfer.
1. Visit: www.wetransfer.com
2. Click upload files
3. In the 'email to' field, type: office@uogltd.com
4. In the 'title' field, type: UOG Calendar 2023
5. In the 'message' field, include the following information:
· Photographer’s name
· Where the photo was taken
· Age category: adult / junior
· Contact details.
6. Send files.
If you are unable to use WeTransfer, please email photographs and the information in point number 5 above to: office@uogltd.com.
A member of staff will be in touch once your photographs are received and entered into the competition.
Good luck!
For competition guidelines, please see below.
Competition Details
Entry to the competition is free. Entrants do not have to be residents of the Galson Estate to enter.
On entry, please provide the following information:
· Photographer’s name;
· Where the photo was taken;
· A caption;
· Age category: adult / junior;
· Contact details.
Closing deadline for submissions is Monday 22nd August 2022.
Stories of Galson Estate, to tie in with Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022.
Photographs are to be submitted with a story attached separately. The story can involve any subject and be of any length but it may be shortened to fit inside the calendar, the photographer will be notified of any amendments. The story could also be a description of what is in the photograph or what the photograph means to the photographer or an individual.
The photographs must be taken within the geographical boundaries of the Galson Estate, which includes much of North Lewis, from Upper Barvas to the Butt of Lewis.
Age Groups
Adult Category – 18 years and over
Junior Category – 17 years and under (entrants must have permission of a parent or guardian).
Photographs are to be submitted via WeTransfer.
· Visit www.wetransfer.com
· Click upload files
· Email to office@uogltd.com
· Title – UOG Calendar 2023
· Message – include all information requested in competition details
If you are unable to use WeTransfer, please email photographs to office@uogltd.com.
If you are unable to use email, please visit the UOG office and we can scan your images.
A member of staff will be in touch once your photographs are received and entered into the competition.
Consent & Copyright
The entrant must be the sole author and owner of the copyright. By entering your photograph into the competition, you grant to Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn the non-commercial, non-exclusive right to use your images for promotion of the online photo competition and for future promotion in any media. UOG hold the rights to use these submitted photographs in their marketing, websites and social media. The photographer will be credited. Entrants must not infringe on the privacy rights, copyright or other rights of any person.
Digital Criteria
If possible, submissions must:
· Images must be at least 5mg, approximately sized 12x8"
· Landscape orientation (portrait will be accepted but may not fit in the calendar)
· A minimum 1024 px longest side at least 150 dpi
· Photos must be saved as JPEG, no less than compression 7 (medium)
· Do not include your name in the picture (i.e. in the frame or in the picture itself) or in the caption or title for the image. These images will not be eligible.
· Screenshots will also not be accepted, original digital photographs only.
Original files of photographs need to be sent to Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn for entrance into
the Calendar to allow for best possible reproduction.
Photographs must not be digitally manipulated. Digitally manipulated photographs will be automatically disqualified.
Photographs are chosen anonymously, in-house.
The judge’s decision is final and prizes cannot be exchanged.
13 photographs will be chosen for the calendar, 12 for each month and 1 for the front cover.
2 winners will be selected, an adult entry and a junior entry. The two winners will receive a prize of a £50 voucher each for Malcolm Macleod photography as well as having their photos shared on social media.
Each photo will be credited and printed as a different month of the year for the calendar, which
will be produced for sale. All proceeds will be for UOG, as a charitable organisation.
Important Note
Where necessary relevant permits to comply with national or international legislation (e.g. in the case of protected species) must accompany photographs. For example, it is illegal to photograph some British birds at the nest.
Our Rights
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (UOG) reserves the right to exclude entrants and withhold prizes for
violating any of these terms and conditions. Should the quality of entries fall below the standard
required we reserve the right not to award prizes. UOG reserves the right to amend these terms and
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (UOG) is not responsible for failure of receipt, loss or damage of any
photographs entered in the competition. Entrants indemnify UOG and their sponsors of any
responsibility in respect to damage and loss to entrant’s belongings; death or injury as a result of the