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'Sunnd' 2021 comes to a close

'Sunnd', our winter health and wellbeing programme aimed predominantly at those on the Galson Estate, has come to an end for 2021.

Although adopting a different format to the established 'Sunnd' programme owing to COVID-19 restrictions, we were still able to enjoy some Health Walks, online talks and online gardening workshops and worksheets to help keep us feeling mentally and physically well. Thank you to all participants, whether they were speakers or attendees.

To see any posts from 'Sunnd' 2021, use the hashtag #sunnd2021 on our social media pages.

If you have any feedback concerning 'Sunnd' 2021, please email us at:

Your feedback helps us to provide a better experience for service users.

To see more information about our 'Sunnd' project, go to and click 'Sunnd' on the right-hand side of the page.

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