An-Dràsta! a' buannachadh aig FilmG
Bhuannaich An-Dràsta! an duais airson Film Dùthchais as Fheàrr aig duaisean FilmG 2020! Tha sinn air ar dòigh gun do thog ar sgioba òg, dealasach an duais a-nochd. Rinn iad obair mòr air an fhilm agus tha iad dha-rìreabh rim moladh. Feuch gun coimhead sibh An-Dràsta mura faca sibh e! Ceud taing dhan a h-uile duine a bha an sàs san fhilm chudromach seo.
We are delighted that An-Dràsta! has won the Best Dùthchas Film award at FilmG 2020. Our young team worked so hard on it and are hugely deserving of the recognition. If you haven’t already watched the film, please do check it out on the FilmG website! Massive thanks to everyone who was involved in the making of this important film.
Special thanks go to our funders - the Community LED by Energy Champions project; the Climate Challenge Fund; Bòrd na Gàidhlig and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

Pictured are Isi, Rachel and Méabh, just some of our young folk who were involved.